Dynamic Uploaders / Programatically adding Uploaders

  •  12-05-2008, 7:01 PM

    Dynamic Uploaders / Programatically adding Uploaders

    Are there any tricks or do you have a working example where you programatically add an Uploader to a page?

    The uploader works create when I add one to the aspx page but if I try to create one dynamically in code behind, the progress bar doesn't work correctly, the upload status never moves from 0kb, and the FileUploaded event never fires. The file does get uploaded however.  I make sure that on PostBack, the control is added back to the form and the FileUploaded event is hooked up. 

    Example Code:
    CuteWebUI.Uploader uploader = new CuteWebUI.Uploader();
    uploader.InsertText = "Upload new Image";
    uploader.FileUploaded += new CuteWebUI.UploaderEventHandler(uploader_FileUploaded);
    uploader.ValidateOption.AllowedFileExtensions = "jpg,jpeg,gif,png";
    uploader.ID = ci.UniqueId;

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