Unable to See "Select File" dialog box

  •  12-04-2008, 1:42 AM

    Unable to See "Select File" dialog box

    I have downloaded the latest AJAX Uploader and am trying to test the 2.0 Framework examples (started with NoAjax examples)
    This is on Windows XP with IIS 5.1. The examples work fine (basically create a virtual directory to the appropriate path , set ASP.NET to version 2.0 and browse to the appropriate path).
    However when i try out the examples (multiple-files-upload.aspx) into our existing ASP.NET application, i am not able to see the "File Select Dialog" box. the "Upload File" button is "grayed out" (i.e. not clickable anymore)
    I have copied the sample multiple-files-upload.aspx to our Application/Secure folder . The Secure folders files need a login to be accessed.
    Here's what i did
    a) Copied the dll and license file to bin directory, modify web.config accordingly
    b) copied multiple-files-upload.aspx to our Secure directory
    c) tried to do : http://localhost/My35/Secure/multiple-files-upload.aspx (enter appropriate login and control is redirected to ajax uploaded sample page)
    d) on the sample page, click on Upload File. Cannot see the "Select File" Dialog box. Nothing happens, the "Upload File" button is "grayed out" (i.e. not clickable anymore)
    e) Tried using IE7, FireFox 3.0.4, Safari 3.2.1
    Thanks and Appreciate any help

    Here's the web.config file i am using. 
            <!-- set debugmode to false for running application -->
            <compilation debug="true" />
            <trace enabled='false' localOnly='true' pageOutput='true' requestLimit='20' traceMode='SortByTime'/>
            <customErrors mode='RemoteOnly' defaultRedirect='Public/Error.aspx'>
                <error statusCode="404"
              <allow users ="*" />
            <authentication mode="Forms">
              <forms loginUrl="Secure/Login.aspx" timeout="100"/>
            <sessionState mode='InProc' timeout='29' />
            <add namespace="CuteWebUI" assembly="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader" tagPrefix="CuteWebUI"/>
          <!-- UploadModule is optional , for the property Uploader.ShowProgress -->
          <add name="CuteWebUI.UploadModule" type="CuteWebUI.UploadModule,CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader"/>
          <location path="Secure">
                <deny users="?" />
            <add key="DataPath" value="C:"SSNet35"Data" />
            <add key="BasePath" value="C:"SSNet35" />
            <add key="URLbase" value="/My35/" />
            <add key="URLauthority" value="localhost" />
        <add key="cnStr" value="Integrated Security= SSPI;Initial Catalog=SchoolSpeak;Data Source=(local)"SQLEXPRESS"/>
            <!-- add key="URLbase" value="/SS/" / -->
            <add key="SMTPserver" value="localhost" />
            <add key="DictionaryFolder" value="bin" />

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