Font Settings

  •  11-20-2008, 2:24 PM

    Font Settings

    I've noticed that if I select a font face that's not the default, Courier for example, and then start typing, the font face changes back to the default font.  However, if I were to begin typing and then highlight and select Courier for the font face, then the characters change to Courier and I can continue typing in Courier if I don't hit the enter key to make a new line.  Is there someway to have it where if I'm on a new line and I select the font face, that selection will hold as I type?
    And speaking of the enter key, I noticed that if I am typing in a font that is not the default and then hit the enter key, it closes off that font tag and then the font face is back on it's default value again.  Is there any way to have the tag not close when you hit the enter key?
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