Re: Customize a href tag

  •  11-18-2008, 3:16 PM

    Re: Customize a href tag

    I've somewhat figured it out. I added element.setAttribute(OxO7ae6[0x27], "'" + inp_src.value + "');") ; in the Dialog_Tag_A.js file at this point:
    SyncTo=function SyncTo_A(element){if(inp_src[OxO7ae6[0x28]]){ element[OxO7ae6[0x3a]]=inp_src[OxO7ae6[0x28]] ; HERE. I have EnableStripScriptTags="false" and that is working great. My only issue is that you have to switch to html or preview mode for the link to become active in normal mode. Is there a way to do this programmatically, as I will have ShowBottomBar="false" so the end user won't be able to switch views.
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