'Object doesn't support this property or method' error shown when using the Spell Checker

  •  11-07-2008, 3:56 PM

    'Object doesn't support this property or method' error shown when using the Spell Checker

    I am using CuteEditor version 6.2 for .NET and when I press the 'ABC' spell check button I get just a JavaScript error stating: 'Object doesn't support this property or method' Line: 1 Char: 1.
    The funny thing is in a simple app I have this functionality working just fine, but when I implement it in my actual bigger project I get that JS error.  I have all the dictionary files in the /bin folder, the NetSpell.Spellchecker.dll, proper license file, and CuteEditor .dlls, and my custom config toolbar XML file too and it still does not work.  I thought it might be because of AJAX or being inside an Update Panel, but I tested that in my smaller project and it still worked.
    Could anybody offer a suggestion as to why that error may occur for the Spell Checker?
    P.S. My other toolbar buttons in the editor work fine.  Below is the HTML:

    <td align="left">

    <hr id="hrWYSIWYG" width="100%" size="1" color="blue" runat="server" visible="true" />

    <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="WYSIWYGEditorReq" runat="server" Display="Dynamic"

    ControlToValidate="WYSIWYGEditor" ErrorMessage="**Please add text content to the WYSIWYG editor.**" />

    <CE:Editor ID="WYSIWYGEditor" runat="server" Width="650px" Focus="false" BorderColor="#68757F"


    EditorBodyStyle="font-family: Arial" >

    <FrameStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DDDDDD" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"

    CssClass="CuteEditorFrame" Height="100%" Width="100%" />




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