Re: Cute Editor won't load when SSL is enabled in DNN 4.8.3

  •  11-05-2008, 9:21 AM

    Re: Cute Editor won't load when SSL is enabled in DNN 4.8.3

    Hi Ken!!
    Our website is online.  Here is a test page -->
    The Position Description field is where we are trying to use the cute editor.  Please note if you view this in IE7 you will so no cute editor buttons and you will not have access to the editor.  If you view this in Firefox 3.0 you will see buttons but you will not have access to the editor or buttons.  If I turn SSL off then you would have access to the buttons and editor in IE and Firefox (right now SSL is on).
    Our site is hosted by a different company so I am unable to give you ftp access.  However, if you send me your email I can send you any source code you would like.
    Rachael VanderVelden
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