Re: CleanUpMicrosoftwordHTML() does'nt do any thing on my editor text. Please help urgent !!

  •  11-01-2008, 2:19 PM

    Re: CleanUpMicrosoftwordHTML() does'nt do any thing on my editor text. Please help urgent !!

     Adam, What I wanted you to observe is the CleanUp Tool of the editor( with option Remove word specific HTML from the window)  and CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML() through code are not working exactly same.
     1. Paste something (preferably tables)  from the ms word in to the editor.
     2. Execute CleanUpMicrosoftwordHTML() through code on the editor.
     3. Then see the HTML
     Now again try with CleanUp Tool of the editor. Then see the html of the editor from bottom toolbar.
     Both HTML does'nt look same. There is lot of difference.
     CleanUp Tool is removing all word html but through code it is not.
     But What I want is the functionaliy of CleanUp Tool. I can't ask users to use the tool always.
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