External CSS and Editor Background

  •  10-15-2008, 9:07 PM

    External CSS and Editor Background

    I've scoured the forum trying to find a solution to the problem, and have applied all the fixes I've found, yet to no avail.
    I've configured the editor as below.  It is using an external style sheet and is displaying the background image from the body tag, as well as all the classes from the css.
    <CE:Editor ID="HTMLTextEditor" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("HTMLText") %>' Height="300px" AutoConfigure="Simple" EditorWysiwygModeCss="../Greenwall.css" EditorBodyStyle="background-color:White;color:Black;">
    The only problem is that the background of the editor has the background image from the body style, whereas I'd like to have the CSS class of "upperinner" (as defined in the stylesheet) which has a white background with a black text. 
    I've tried manually adding a style as shown above, as well as using the "EditorBodyClass".  Yet still the background image is shown.
    I've actually split the main CSS for the site into two, with the first containing all the styles for the website and the second amending the Body tag to include the background image.  Is this the best approach?
    Please advise.
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