Reviewing the CuteEditor Database example

  •  10-10-2008, 7:57 PM

    Reviewing the CuteEditor Database example

    In database-example, the database is attached to a datagrid and then as the item is selected CuteEditor Editor1.Text is equal to the text string that comes from the datagrid.
    Is it possible to go directly from the CuteEditor to the database with a DataBinding command (for example). I was playing around with trying to put the CuteEditor inside a Repeater...but that did not prove successful.
    I am setting up my program so that the database section has a DAL (Data Access Layer) and BLL (Business Logic Layer). Then I  have a ObjectDataSource looking at the BLL.
    After, playing around with this I have made the ASSUMPTION that it is not possible to directly attach CuteEditor to an ObjectDataSource. Is this assumption correct?
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