Editor and saving data to a SQL DB I Need more info please.

  •  10-09-2008, 4:59 PM

    Editor and saving data to a SQL DB I Need more info please.

    I am trying out the editor to see if it will work for a project.  I think I am 90% there and I just need some info to finish the code I need.
    I found and downloaded the Storage to SQL example but I did not find any kind of documentation with that sample and I have not yet found any good help in the help files on a few things about the sample:
    1) the sample saves the "linked Binary files" but not the html as far as I can tell. is that right?
    2) it saves the data on the "save" button on the client , can I have the same client event cuase the whole editor document be saved at one time ?
    3) if I want to add a MIME TYPE to each saved file does the interface / sql sample have a place to hook into for this?
    this is so that the response content type can be correct when the data is pulled from the db later.
    4) Where are the interfaces documented ? is there any documentation that helps explain them?
    5) from what I have seen so far you have chm files with only basic info, not much in the way of documentation... is this going to be improved on any time soon??
    for example:  add a description to the start of each class, what does it do? why would I user it. what interfaces it impliments and other notes.
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