Re: save(Editor1) and Netscape

  •  03-08-2005, 12:12 PM

    Re: save(Editor1) and Netscape

    sorry didn;t really explaing myself very well. I am doing a form check onsubmit:
    function addTopic()
     var frm = document.frmAddTopic;

      alert("Please add a SUBJECT");;
      return false;    
    works fine with I.E. but Netscape just goes to the next page regardless of whether the name field is filled in , whereas if I add this piece of code: 

    var browserName=navigator.appName;
     if (browserName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")

    both work fine. Now I could add this code everytime I use the editor but was thinking there must be a central function I could add in to stop this from happening?


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