InsertImage and SSL

  •  10-03-2008, 5:09 PM

    InsertImage and SSL

    Hi all,
    Running the CuteEditor over SSL. When the Insert Image button is clicked, the resultant page display the "this page contains both secure and nonsecure items" message. This message only displays the first time the insertimage dialog opens (i.e. the cuteeditor does not throw this warning when it loads). I need this message to go away. After searching the page source for "http:" I have found two instances. 1. the xmlns defintion xmlns="" (however, removing this did not fix the problem). 2. an Img tag in the middle of the page: 

    <img UniqueID="InputFile" Namespace="CuteEditor" Root="/MTC_v60_0801/" onload="this.onerror()" src="http://" style="display:none;" />

    (p.s. i removed quite a few of the parameters in the above tag, hopefully this shortened version will do the job)
    I haven't been able to find this in the InsertImage.aspx page or anywhere else in the cuteeditor code. 

    Am I missing something, or am I not even on the right track?

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