Absolute URLs for images

  •  10-03-2008, 4:21 PM

    Absolute URLs for images

    I have the cute editor installed for a Dot Net nuke applacation.  I need to have the src in the <IMG> tags to be absolute. like this
    <img height="306" alt="" src="http://localhost/LocalDNN/Portals/6/ufonaut.gif" width="254" border="0" />
    But what is happening is something like this
    <img height="306" alt="" src="http://cutesoft.net/Portals/6/ufonaut.gif" width="254" border="0" />
    I have read a some threads on these boards and have found a lot of discussion.  Here is an example of my aspx file :
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="TextEditor" Src="~/controls/TextEditor.ascx"%>
    Visual Studio says "is not a valid attribute of elenemt TextEditor" about the three items I underlined and red.  I tried all combos of the three, like just URLType by itself and then all three.  But Visual studio does not like them.
    I made this change in my web.config file

    This did fix my personal enviroment with this change.  It's working like a dream cause of the web.config.
    BUT here is the rub.  Changing the web.config from URLType="Default" on or DEV and LIVE servers is not an option :-(
    any advice on how I can do this?
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