CuteEditor stripping out # symbols in href

  •  03-07-2005, 6:03 PM

    CuteEditor stripping out # symbols in href

    Hi there,
    I am currently developing an online Mailing system using CuteEditor to compose Html email messages. I require data placeholders to be placed inline with content. The placeholders are replaced with Member data when the email is sent out.

    An example of a placeholder is: ##MemberID##. This would be replaced with the recipient's Member ID as each email is sent out.
    My problem is with using the placeholders within hrefs. CuteEditor seems to be stripping out the "#" symbols when I switch to Html mode then back to Normal mode.
    For example:
    When placed inside an href, and the view is changed to Html mode, the link becomes:
    i.e. Only one "#" symbol remains.

    I have tried this using the Online demo and the same thing happens. I could use another placeholder symbol, such as "$$" or something, but I was wondering if there was any quick solution to this, as I have already written the search-and-replace code.

    Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
    Tim Ross
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