textarea gets disabled at times

  •  10-01-2008, 8:57 AM

    textarea gets disabled at times

    My customer noticed that the textarea get "disabled" at times. This means that you cannot set the curser in the text/textarea. If there are text in the textarea, you can select a word by doubleclick it, but you can't add or delete any text.
    It's not like it's really disabled, but you can not edit anything at this state.
    When i re-created the problem (by loading the editor a couple of times) I managed to get out of it by reloading the page, but my customer had to log out and back in again. To me this is no big deal, but since we have members on this site that may not know this we must find a way to solve this.

    I use:
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3

    haven't managed to reproduce this in any other browser.
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