Re: Javascript error on Spellcheck button

  •  09-22-2008, 5:55 AM

    Re: Javascript error on Spellcheck button

    Indeed your example does work so it is a problem with the specifics of the page that i'm hosting the control on...
    The rough hierarchy of stuff is something like this:
        <scriptManager />
                                        <editor />
    Not sure if that helps you at all :/
    With the wizard outside of the update panel the spellcheck icon works...  Within the update panel the spellcheck icon fails
    Using google chrome's element inspector i've tracked down the specifics of the javascript error i'm getting:
    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object global] has no method 'checkSpellingById'
    This is a screenshot of the html as seen by the inspector... (sorry it's a screen shot.. not figured out a way to extract the html it shows you) is there anything obvious you can see? 
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