Saving the text value to a SQL Server database

  •  09-17-2008, 2:13 PM

    Saving the text value to a SQL Server database

    Hi I have the Cute Editor installed in Dot Net Nuke. I have a SQl Server database tied to the app.
    The problem I have is that it is not saving the text in it to the database.  But If I put data into the Database it does read that data.

    I did some research on line and found any examples that weer similar had other issues in them that added several bits of complexity.
    I'm sure my situation is easy but I'm new to using the editor so I'm hoping it is something I have missed or not sure what terms to search for.
    Here is a snippet where I try to add the text of the editor to a parameter of a stored procedure that updates the data:
    with cmd
     .Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@PortalSettingsDealerImageURL", SqlDbType.VarChar))
                    .Parameters("@PortalSettingsDealerImageURL").Value = Server.HtmlDecode(EditorImageOwner.Text)
    end With

    This part works as expected, it reads the data from the database and displays it OK:
    EditorImageOwner.Text = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("PortalSettingsDealerImageURL")
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