Typed text vanishes after CE is loads

  •  09-17-2008, 2:46 AM

    Typed text vanishes after CE is loads


    Many of our users have experienced this problem.
    Typed text vanishes after CE is loads, this happens always in IE & sometimes in FF.
    When toolbar of CEditor is loading, user is able to type in the text in Editor,
    when it CEditor loads completly , it removes everything wich user has typed , which becomes frustrating for user.
    [On an average internet connection user gets around 10-15 seconds to type when the control is still loading .]
    I've tried to show loading message in CEditor, but i could not find the way though which i can remove the loading message. Because on form load, CEditors  .SetHTML() & .GetHTML are not working.
    I would really appreciate the help, If someone has solution / fix for this problem.
    You can try this bug on this link (Please check it in IE)
    Thanks in advance. 
    Prashant C
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