Bugs in Fire Fox while creating new Template

  •  09-15-2008, 8:43 PM

    Bugs in Fire Fox while creating new Template

    The version of Fire fox used = Firefox/
    I tried to create new Template using Fire Fox.
    I click "Insert Template"  , the Main Template Dialog appeared. I click the button "Creating new Template"
    it gave me a prompt requesting me to enter File Name and bring out a another Template dialog. I click "Close (X)" button  and returned to the Main Template dialog. I click the button "Creating new Template" again , it gave me a prompt requesting me to enter File Name and this time the Template dialog not appear but the Main Template Dialog just refreshed itself. 
    However , if I click the button "Creating new Template" and this time it worked but fail next time again

    It seems the Creating New Template Dialog succeed 1st time, failed 2nd time , succeed 3rd time and failed 4th time etc

    Any immediate help will be much appreciated.
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