Re: Relative links, Absolute links, Default links - not getting correct links on images unless modify the HTML

  •  09-12-2008, 4:44 PM

    Re: Relative links, Absolute links, Default links - not getting correct links on images unless modify the HTML

    Your solution solves the problem of the images being accessible thru the imagae gallery and thru the insert image and also on the WYSIWYG.  However, it makes the default URLType entirely useless since it has exactly the same effect as the SiteRelative setting. This causes me problems.
    I'm currently working in a testing environment with the following path structure:
    The live environment will have the following path structure:
    I have added code to set the value of editor.ImageGalleryPath dynamically so that during testing the path includes the 'testFolder' folder in the path
    and once we turn live this path will automatically change and eliminate the 'testFolder'
    But that won't change all of the links that were generated during the testing phase that  have 'testFolder' in them.  That was one of the reasons that we upgraded to Cute Editor 6.0 - because of the relative link feature. Our client will be loading a lot of content using the WYSIWYG during the testing phase and with the solution that you are suggesting we will have to go thru the database the day we cutover and change all of the links.  This will mean that their site will have to down for several hours while we make this change AND it will open up the chance of typos when making the change.  So instead of going live with completely tested content we would be going live with content that had to be tested all over again. Not a pleasant thought.
    So, although the solution you have suggested works, it eliminates any use I could get from setting the URLType = default which would make the code AND the database content completely transportable.
    If you  have any suggestions on how I could get the images to work for the Image Gallery, the Insert Image, the WYSIWYG and still be transportable by not having to use the SiteRelative setting or the equivalent link that is now being generated using the Default setting, I would appreciate it.
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