Css Classes not working in text area.

  •  09-12-2008, 6:52 AM

    Css Classes not working in text area.

    Hi Guys,
    I'm having problems getting my Css styles to work in the text area.  That is, when I apply a Css class it doesn't mark up the chosen/highlighted text - in either the Normal or Preview views.
    For example, I type the words 'Hello World' and apply the Css class 'Bold Green Text' (one of the default items in the <CssClass> element in common.config), but nothing happens.....I have included the following code between the <head></head> tags of simple.asp (this is the page I'm working with):
    <style type="text/css">
        .BoldGreen {font-weight: bold; color: #006600;}
    If I go to the HTML view I get
    <span class="BoldGreen">
    Hello World</span>
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