Character Count Issue

  •  09-09-2008, 6:40 AM

    Character Count Issue

       I am currently using the cute editor control in my application so that users can add HTML text to a database. I have set the property ShowBottomBar = true; so that my users will have an indication of the word and character count before they save their text. 
       Unfortunatly the character count does not take into account "white spaces" and therefore the users don't have a total count of characters including spaces. (There is a maximum number of characters that I can send to the db)
    ie, If I set the maxlength to 1000 it only allows 1000 characters but may allow 1200 in total if there were 200 spaces which causes problems with my length in the database.
    Can you please let me know if there is a solution to this as I need the character count to include "white spaces". I have tried searching in the forums for a solution, but I have not found any yet.
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