Handling "hard returns" when pasting text

  •  09-05-2008, 11:36 AM

    Handling "hard returns" when pasting text

    I am using CE 6 have set BreakElement to "Br". I also have the editor automatically clean word formatting on paste. When typing text in the editor and hitting return, a br element is created and the text appears normally, but when pasting text with hard returns, the elements are wrapped in a p element and appear to have an extra line between them.
    I tried pasting the same text into the example editor at http://www.cutesoft.net/asp/oncarriagereturn.asp and the pasted text appears wrapped in the p tags but there is no extra line. Does anyone have an idea about how to get this behvaior? Alternatively, I would like hard returns to be converted to a br element on paste.
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