Use chat API from another projects.

  •  09-01-2008, 8:01 AM

    Use chat API from another projects.

    I tried to create chat room progammatically, and done these steps:
    1. In Visual Studio I created new Class Library project.
    2. Added there CuteChat.dll and CuteChat.AppCode.dll
    3. Created method:
    public void AddRoom(string roomName)

          IChatLobby lobby=ChatApi.CreateLobbyInstance();
          lobby.Title = roomName;
    4. Call this method from Console application and got exception :( :  
    System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'CuteChat.ClusterSupport' threw an exception. --->  System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object..
    Stack trace:
    I gues, I have to somehow initialize chat API before use it. But I can't found how. Please help me!
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