HTML To RTF conversion loses the < character

  •  08-22-2008, 2:31 AM

    HTML To RTF conversion loses the < character

    I've noticed that using HTML2RTF() function will remove any < or > characters in the converted string. For instance if I enter an expression such as "a <= b if b >= c" after the conversion it becomes a = c. The converter is treating this <> as a html tag and removing everything in between, (btw I am using a PasteText setting).
    However in if the angle brackets are not facing each other as a pair > is left but < is always removed. for instance  > <
    becomes >. I know it is because I am using the PasteText setting to strip html from pasted text, but it should not strip tags that are not legimate html opening and closing tags. My users will be entering a lot of maths expressions so you can see the problems

    any ideas or work arounds please asap

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