Losing Editor content when saving

  •  08-12-2008, 3:45 PM

    Losing Editor content when saving

    I have some weird behavior happening.  CuteEditor v6.1.0.0.  I have a page where a user will take a while to type in it, and for security purposes I can't/won't change the session expiration on my website. (By the way, this is not meant to start a security debate).
    I enabled a javascript timer set to go off at 10 minutes, fires up a click event on a button, and the button's click event will save the Editor.Text in the database, reloads the page, therefore renewing the session and so on.  I'm testing in all 4 "major" browsers, IE7, FF3, Safari 3.1.2(win) and Opera 9.51.
    Scenario 1:
    I type whatever on the editor and close to the 10 minute mark (actually for testing I have it set for 1 minute) before I get the popup message, I stop typing, let it sit for a few seconds, let the message popup, click on OK, let the page refresh.  When I check the database, whatever I typed, it's there.
    Here is the kicker -  If I continue typing for the duration of the timer (60 seconds for testing) and I'm still typing when the message pops up, click on the OK, reloads the page...  with IE7, the content is there, with the rest of the browsers I get a blank message.
    Scenario 2:
    Same setup, but with a plain 'ol <asp:textbox> as the "editor".  Both times, by stoping before the timer runs thru, or continuing to type, the data is there on all 4 browsers.
    So it leads me to believe it's a behavior with CuteEditor.  Any ideas?
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