string reference not set to an instance of a string

  •  08-06-2008, 6:31 AM

    string reference not set to an instance of a string

    When debugging apps that use Cute Editor we all receive the following error when pages are first loaded:
    "string reference not set to an instance of a string"
    You do catch the exception but it would be better if it did not occur at all ... this is an annoyance that would be very easy for your developers to fix.
    This is what I can gather according to the stack trace, assembly etc., this is the best I can do without access to the source code:
    Inside the Function a(Regex.Match) which is in the file LoadHandler.c (or LoadHandler.vb) you have a line like the following:
      CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(str);
    catch (char* s)
     It would be a lot easier to find these errors if we had access to the source code ;o)
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