Re: MAJOR shortcoming with hyperlink button

  •  02-21-2004, 7:32 PM

    Re: MAJOR shortcoming with hyperlink button

    excellent.......  see thing is.. my site isn't full of the most internet savy people.. they are car people  :)


    My setup code for "forum use", the ".Template" addition was an excellenet excellent addition to this editor.. makes it that much better


    Private Sub SetUpEditBox()

          Dim strTemp As String = ""

          strTemp += "Cut,Copy,Paste,PasteText,Separator," & _

                  "Bold,Italic,Underline,FontColor,HighLight,Hr,Separator," & _


          EditBox.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Percentage(100)

          EditBox.Template = strTemp

          EditBox.ShowLogo = False

          EditBox.ShowHtmlMode = CheckThisUserRole("Level3")

          If UserHasPersonalImageDirectory() Then

                EditBox.AllowUpload = True

                EditBox.ImageGalleryPath = "/images/users/" & GetMyUsername.toLower()


                EditBox.AllowUpload = False

          End If

          EditBox.DropDownListStyle = "font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;"
    End Sub



    Adam, any chance you may point out where a little fix can be made to filter out directories like "_vti_cnf" in the image gallery stuff?  or is that inside the DLL  (i could look but its a heck of a lot of code, lol)

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