Adding Link to highlighted text makes text dissapear in firefox 3

  •  07-07-2008, 5:57 PM

    Adding Link to highlighted text makes text dissapear in firefox 3

    Adam or Karen,
    I am having an issue with text disappearing when you highlight it and then click the Insert Hyperlink button in Firefox 3. It causes a javascript error and the deletes the text. I confirmed this on your demo: 
    Sometimes it take about 5-10 times or more of highlighting and clicking the button but eventually it happens.
    I enabled firebug to debug the problem and it gives me:
    Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount" code: "1
    ? in Loader.js@1()Loader.js (line 1)
    Ox77c()Loader.js (line 1)
    Ox77d()Loader.js (line 1)
    var OxO27e0=["isWinIE","isGecko","isSafa...ow[OxO27e0[0xb7]]=CuteEditorInitialize ;
    Also it gives me:
    Element referenced by ID/NAME in the global scope. Use W3C standard document.getElementById() instead.
    undefined in dialog_Tag_A.js

    I can duplicate it sometimes by pasting a whole bunch of text and highlighting most of it and clicking the Insert Hyperlink Button but sometimes it happens on one word or sentence.

    Any ideas. I am using the latest version of the editor 6.1. It also did the same thing in 6.0.

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