The License for Editor is not valid

  •  06-21-2008, 9:42 AM

    The License for Editor is not valid

     I copied the license to the site's BIN folder, exactly as instructed. Today the site is down with the message: "The License for Editor is not valid. You are using a trial license and the trial period has expired."

    I have reviewed all of the installation instructions again - carefully - and deleted then re-copied the lic. file to the BIN directory. This does not solve the problem. Copied cuteeditor.lic to the web root. Does not solve the problem. Yes, I have confirmed that the domain name matches the one ono the license. No, I have made no changes to the website or host or anything else.
    Platform is ASP.NET 2.0 on ISS
    Sent e-mail to support and opened trouble ticket. No response.
    Tried Live Chat. 1st in queue but no answer after about five minutes.
    I'm documenting this here mainly so the post will be searchable from Google etc. Have over an hour into this, site is down, client is p*ssed off. I can't bill for the time. Reputation is damaged. Other than this everything is peachy keen.
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