check user is authenticated on Chat_OpenMessenger()

  •  06-12-2008, 6:07 AM

    check user is authenticated on Chat_OpenMessenger()

    I am using Membership Data Base Intergration and .Net Forms Authentication

    I have a link to
    Chat_OpenMessenger() that only displays when my users are logged in to the website. However, if a user does not use the website for 30 minutes they are logged out off the system, but the link to Chat_OpenMessenger() is still visible (assuimg hte user doesn' close the web page).
    I tried to edit the overridden function so they are taken to a message page, but this does not work:

    public override AppChatIdentity GetLogonIdentity()


    if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)


    CurrentUser cu = new CurrentUser();


    string sLogin = cu.GUID.ToString();

    return new AppChatIdentity(ToUserId(sLogin), false, ToUserId(sLogin), HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress);




    return null;



     Can you help please? All I want to do is show a message page if the user is not authenticated when I call Chat_OpenMessenger()
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