Re: writing cute editor text to sql db creates unrecognizable characters.

  •  06-04-2008, 1:57 PM

    Re: writing cute editor text to sql db creates unrecognizable characters.

    Hi AndyFel,
    Thanks much, for taking the time.

    - The query results in default sql server grid don't show the boxes (as you suggested wouldn't happen), but there are spaces in between. 
    so it looks like:  asd<br />  asd<br />  asd<br />  <br />
    - The query resutls to text look like the following:
    - If I remove the CR and LF boxes manually by editting the table in Ent. Manager (man. studio) the text displays perfectly when I query from sql server (no spaces) and as well in the flash application that is grabbing data from the database.
    - I switched the column datatype to nvarchar as suggested - but no change for me here.
    - Any info on how to remove the CR and LF boxes? or possibly any other ideas?
    Thanks again to Adam and AndyFel for there continued help, 
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