Security Exception in CE 6.1

  •  05-22-2008, 11:29 AM

    Security Exception in CE 6.1

    I have just upgraded to CE 6.1 from 6.0. Every time I attempt to load a resource from the server using toolbar buttons, I get the Security Exception below. The same happens if I use CE to provide a Select Image dialog, following the example given in the code samples.
    The application worked with 6.0. The directories configured as the resource folders in Configuration\Security\Default.config are the same as they were before; they are directories within the virtual root of the web. The NETWORK SERVICE identity has the same permissions on the CuteSoft_Client directory and subdirectories as it did before.
    It looks as though CE is trying to access a temp directory, which I guess is the one at ImageEditor\TempFiles. This appears to have the same permissions as usual.
    I'm running the web on IIS7 on Windows Vista. The security context is medium trust, to emulate shared hosting conditions.
    Can anyone throw any light on this please? I need to resolve this to be able to move forward with CE 6.1, which otherwise looks a lot better, especially with usability of the editor.
    Paul Taylor

    Paul Taylor
    Dotcom Software Solutions
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