Multiple Image Uploads

  •  05-20-2008, 1:00 PM

    Multiple Image Uploads

    Our client likes the functionality of the current editor but has a substantial number of requests to extend the image upload capabilities of the control to allow for multiple uploads. 
    Question 1)
    Is this a feature that is currently supported in the latest release (I couldn't find it in the documentation)?
    Question 2)
    Is this a feature that is currently scheduled for a future release of the control?
    Question 3)
    If we do not own the sourcecode license is it possible for us to extend the control to support this functionality.  More specifically, what I picture would be User is working in the  editor and clicks on the icon to insert an image, on the next dialog the user then clicks the Upload button and is prompted another dialog which allows them to choose multiple files and then click upload to upload them all.
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