Re: DNN Provider 4.0 - Customize Toolbar by Role?

  •  02-10-2005, 2:50 PM

    Re: DNN Provider 4.0 - Customize Toolbar by Role?

    Thanks for replying so quckly !

    I got the idea here and I think we want to be specifying an AutoConfigure option rather than a Security config file, in order to configure the toolbars, right?
    I modified your code a little, however I have a problem - I am always getting the same configuration, no matter which of my three groups I put my test user in. How come the code isn't detecting the group?
    Here's my code:
            Public Sub New()


                If IsCurrentUserInRole("Full HTML Editor") = True Then
                    cntlCE.AutoConfigure = AutoConfigure.Full
                ElseIf IsCurrentUserInRole("Default HTML Editor") = True Then
                    cntlCE.AutoConfigure = AutoConfigure.Simple
                ElseIf IsCurrentUserInRole("Minimal HTML Editor") = True Then
                    cntlCE.AutoConfigure = AutoConfigure.Minimal
                    cntlCE.AutoConfigure = AutoConfigure.Simple
                End If
                Me.HtmlEditorControl = cntlCE
            End Sub

            'Detect the DNN Role the current user is in
            Public Shared Function IsCurrentUserInRole(ByRef roleName As String) As Boolean
                If (roleName = "" Or System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name = "") Then
                    Return False
                End If
                Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = CType(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items("PortalSettings"), PortalSettings)
                Dim objUsers As UserController = New UserController
                Dim objUser As UserInfo = objUsers.GetUser(_portalSettings.PortalId, Int32.Parse(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name))
                Dim _roleController As RoleController = New RoleController
                Dim str As String() = _roleController.GetRolesByUser(objUser.UserID, _portalSettings.PortalId)
                Dim isInRole As Boolean = False
                Dim strInfo As String
                For Each strInfo In str
                    If (strInfo = roleName) Then
                        isInRole = True
                    End If
                Return isInRole
            End Function
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