You can remove those options by add the following code to the element:
>>In addition to the above I also noticed that when editing you can right click and get a menu which also shows an insert-command for image, flash etc and a browsing command - these also needs to be removed.
Please open \CuteEditor_Files\Configuration\ContextMenuMode\Default.xml and remove the following code:
<define name="InsertGroup" text="Insert">
<ref name="ImageGalleryByBrowsing" />
<ref name="InsertImage" />
<ref name="InsertFlash" />
<ref name="InsertMedia" />
<ref name="InsertDocument" />
<ref name="InsertTemplate" />
<spliter />
<ref name="InsertTable" />
<ref name="InsertHorizontalRule" />
<spliter />
<ref name="InsertAdvancedGroup"/>
<ref name="InsertFormGroup"/>
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