the editor body data are chaotic

  •  02-08-2005, 8:16 PM

    the editor body data are chaotic

    I can input test/html body into the database, when I call back the text/html content data from SQL, it was chaotic, like this:

    Th#9 r#9quir#9m#9nt#7 f#5r b#9c#5ming a m#9mb#9r ar#9 lib#9ral alth#5ugh applicant#7 ar#9 car#9fully #7cr#9#9n#9d f#5r #7inc#9rity #5f int#9r#9#7t#7 and wh#9th#9r #5r n#5t th#9y c#5uld b#9n#9fit#7 fr#5m Club m#9mb#9r#7hip. Th#9 qualificati#5n#7 ar#9 #5nly that th#9 applicant b#9 a#7#7#5ciat#9d with th#9 #9ngin#9#9ring pr#5f#9#7#7i#5n a#7 a r#9#7ult #5f v#5cati#5n, h#5bby #5r bu#7in#9#7#7 c#5ntact. #aach applicant mu#7t hav#9 tw#5 #7p#5n#7#5r#7 wh#5 ar#9 m#9mb#9r#7 #5f th#9 Club. M#9mb#9r#7hip in th#9 #angin#9#9r#7 Club #5f #8t. L#5ui#7 i#7 #5n#9 #5f th#9 b#9#7t inv#9#7tm#9nt#7 a t#9chnical man #5r w#5man can mak#9. 
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