Re: CuteEditor does not render correctly

  •  04-18-2008, 2:16 AM

    Re: CuteEditor does not render correctly

    There is no error message as such. It just says error on page at the foot of the browser as for a scripting error. The page displays OK but the editor part just comprises the frame it sits in, the area where the toolbars go but no icons at the top and boxes for the normal, HTML, etc. at the bottom without images. When you hover over them you get the alternative description. I presume I have missed copying a file or files over to the host but I have checked many times that the same files are on my local and host machines and I can't see a discrepancy.
    I have tried three different browsers - IE as described above. BT Yahoo also gives the message Runtime Error Line 83 Object Expected and Netscape just shows the frame, no area for toolbars and no attempt at buttons!
    Many thanks for your help.

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