How can I fix this error to Integration with the code behind?

  •  02-07-2005, 12:03 AM

    How can I fix this error to Integration with the code behind?

    Replace the textbox:

       <asp:TextBox id=EditNews_news_html cssclass="DataFONT" TextMode=MultiLine Rows=16 Columns=80 runat="server">

       With CuteEditor:                                            

      <CE:Editor id="EditNews_news_html" runat="server"></CE:Editor>

    Parser Error
    Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

    Parser Error Message: The base class includes the field 'EditNews_news_html', but its type (System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox) is not compatible with the type of control (CuteEditor.Editor).

    Source Error:

    Line 31:       <td class="FieldCaptionTD"><font class="FieldCaptionFONT">News</font></td>
    Line 32:           <td class="DataTD">
    Line 33:     <CE:Editor id=EditNews_news_html runat="server" ></CE:Editor>   
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