Rich Text Editor or Free Text Box and webcam in cutechat?

  •  02-05-2005, 6:06 AM

    Rich Text Editor or Free Text Box and webcam in cutechat?

    I wonder if there's a way I can include the Rich Text Editor or something like Free Text Box into the public chat room or private chat room.  The users can actually send text and free drawing or anything that is availabe on the Rich Text Editor.  If it's not possible then can cutesoft create that feature in the chatroom? 

    Can cutesoft create a new feature that users can interact with each other such as that they both can modify the same image or a chat section and a drawing section in the same chat window/room?  i.e  Also users can view each other webcam like on paltalk and/or web conferencing?  Even though I am a student, but I'm willing to pay some more $$$ to have such features.  To me that will be the ultimate chatroom.<%=ChatConfiguration.Instance.UpdateMessageInterval%><%=ChatConfiguration.Instance.UpdateMessageInterval%>
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