Re: Custom Button Questions

  •  04-10-2008, 3:38 PM

    Re: Custom Button Questions

    No, wait.  I spoke too soon.  It still isn't working for me.
    Testing it with just...
       <script type='text/javascript'></script>
    ...was a detour.  It works just fine with that, but what I really need to be able to paste is something like this:
          <div id="SilverlightVideo1" style="background-image: url(Silverlight/GenericThumbnail.jpg); width: 256px; height: 255px">
             <script  type='text/javascript'>
              initializePlayer("uploads/Videos/GlideDonor1.wmv", "uploads/GlideDonor1_Thumb.jpg", 'Silverlight/player_blitz.xaml', true);
              var player = new StartPlayer_0("SilverlightVideo1");
    But it keeps eating the script tags.
    Notice this is a script with inline Javascript, not just a reference to an external script.  But even stripping those commands out I can't get it to work.  Very strange.  Perhaps it's because it's inside a div?
    The problem occurs using the link you sent me as well as my own local version.
    Thanks for your help.
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