Error: Cannot load "CuteEditor.Impl.EditorImageFileHandler" from assembly "CuteEditor"

  •  04-04-2008, 6:13 PM

    Error: Cannot load "CuteEditor.Impl.EditorImageFileHandler" from assembly "CuteEditor"

    I just upgraded from V5 to V6 and I'm having a very strange error. When testing on localhost, everything is working perfectly, but when I publish the site on the web server, I received the following error when trying to launch cuteditor:
    Message d'erreur de l'analyseur: Impossible de charger le type 'CuteEditor.Impl.EditorImageFileHandler' à partir de l'assembly 'CuteEditor'.

    Erreur source:

    Ligne 5 :  		</authorization>
                Ligne 6 :  		<httpHandlers>
                Ligne 7 :  			<add path="*.jpeg" verb="GET" type="CuteEditor.Impl.EditorImageFileHandler,CuteEditor" />
                Ligne 8 :  			<add path="*.jpg" verb="GET" type="CuteEditor.Impl.EditorImageFileHandler,CuteEditor" />
                Ligne 9 :  			<add path="*.gif" verb="GET" type="CuteEditor.Impl.EditorImageFileHandler,CuteEditor" />

    Fichier source : C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cutesoft_client\cuteeditor\web.config    Ligne : 7
    It seems to be a dll problem, so I retested on localhost and it works, deleted all dll on the server and republishing the site to the web server several times but I still get the same error. I really don't understand what's happening because the same application is working perfectly on localhost and I'm really sure the dll are correct.
    Any Ideas?
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