Difficult to edit text in floated div

  •  03-31-2008, 11:41 AM

    Difficult to edit text in floated div

    So if I put the following div floated right as a code snippet for my end users and the first time I click the text to edit it CuteEditor assumes I want to resize the div and won't let me at the text can I disable this behavior.  I just want my end users to be able to get to the text easily.  If the same text is quickly double-clicked a popup appears for the div and I can't seem to do anything in it.  I'm open to new approaches to this problem but basically I want to allow users to throw in code snippets and then easily edit the text but our designers would understandably like to use css to layout the divs in the snippet (for example, float text right or left). You can see my current solution is to change the text from "Insert text here" to what you see below. Can I turn off resizing or moving of div is one possible solution.

    Click here pause and then click again to insert text here

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