When HTML is autoformatted it changes the contents of my textarea

  •  03-25-2008, 12:01 PM

    When HTML is autoformatted it changes the contents of my textarea

    I am having a problem with the cute editor, we use the 6.0 release
    If a textarea is placed within the context of another tag such a list or table, when html is autoformatted content textarea content on a new line is auto-indented in the html and subsequently in the textarea itself.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Open Cute Editor to create html content
    2) Create a table
    3) Place a textarea within the table
    4) Enter the following text into the textarea:
    5) Checkpoint: Verify the characters b and c are left justified
    Checkpoint screenshot:
    6) Click preview to go to preview mode, this will cause html to autoformat
    7) Click normal to go to normal mode, the characters b and c have been indented
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