Re: Set fixed size of cutesoft text area

  •  02-01-2005, 4:23 AM

    Re: Set fixed size of cutesoft text area

    I can already provide you some info on some of the questions;
    1. To have a fixed height & width, i.e. add the following lines
             Dim editor
             Set editor = New CuteEditor
             editor.ID = "Editor1"
             editor.Text = "..."
             editor.Width = 574
             editor.Height = 200


    2. Disabling the scrollbars in the editor;                                               
    You can create a style sheet that you will apply to the editor;
    add the following line to the editor code

            editor.StyleSheetPath = "mystylesheet.css"

    In your stylesheet you create a class .editBox
    and define the following property in this class;overflow: hidden;

    For more info on overflow in CSS see

    If you use a predefined style, such as Office2003, you can also modify the selector '.editBox', and modify the value of the 'Overflow' property. It is default set to 'Auto'. (can be located in the 'include.CuteEditor.asp' at line 589)
    3. Wrap Text
    I have the same problem with this one... still looking for a solution... see my post:
    Hope to be of any assistance ...
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