Re: Some programming questions about Cute Editor

  •  03-05-2008, 4:03 PM

    Re: Some programming questions about Cute Editor

    Thank you for your quick response.
    For #1, I looked around the CuteEditor namespace and did not find that C# class constructor.  That will be very helpful.  I wish your company would provide more through documentation for the server side code.
    Your solution for #2 was already considered.  My application is doing some page layout, so I wanted to edit in place.  That will be a last resort.
    Regarding #3, I saw the JavaScript API demo which led me to believe the API would would work.  The Three-state Buttons demo tells me nothing, it just looks like the standard control.  I was considering implementing my own toolbar code and was wondering if from JavaScript how I can query the text style values at the cursor position/selection.
    Is the full source code for all these demos and test programs available?  Those would probably help to answer a lot of my questions.
    Again, thanks, Adam.
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