Re: how will the ASP code of Editor be embedded inside the <textarea> tags?

  •  01-27-2005, 7:40 PM

    Re: how will the ASP code of Editor be embedded inside the <textarea> tags?

     Adam wrote:



    Now you want to replace your Textarea to a web based WYSIWYG HTML editor.


            Dim editor

            Set editor = New CuteEditor

               editor.ID = "Editor1"

               editor.Text = content

               eitor.FilesPath = "/ASP/CuteEditor_Files"

               editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/Uploads"

               editor.MaxImageSize = 50

               editor.Height = 240



    In the textarea example the content of the textarea is passed to the form handler in the formfield name of "Editor2_HTMLcontent".  By what formfield name is the content of CuteEditor in teh second example passed to the form handler?
    I want to include CuteEditor as a replacement for a textarea box on an existing form. The data submitted by the form is further processed and manipulated by the form processor and I am trying to understand how the form processor will identify that editor content.
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