accessing the editor's text in javascript (ASP version!)

  •  01-27-2005, 4:25 AM

    accessing the editor's text in javascript (ASP version!)

    What a great piece of software!
    I have a question that's been asked several times in this forum, but I didn't understand the responses, so I'll try to be more specific:
    1. I've created a custom button:
    editor.CustomAddons = "<img title=""Custom Addons"" class=""button"" onclick=""sendText()"" ...
    2. As you can see, this button calls a javascript function named sendText()
    What I need to do is grab the editor's text in that javascript function, but I don't understand how to reference it. Here's what I DO know:

    I've pretty much just copied the sample "simple.asp", so...
    - the page contains a form named "theForm"
    - the form contains a table with ID="Table1"
    - that table contains another table with ID="Table2"
    - that table contains a td with ID=ContentPane
    - this td contains the editor
    - as far as I know, the editor doesn't have a "name", but editor.ID = "Editor1"

    So, can you tell me exactly what my javascript function should look like? I've tried this, but to no avail:

    function sendText() {
     var editor=document.getElementById("Editor1");

    Many thanks in advance, and thanks again for such a great product!

    Matt Stuehler

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