Well, it's been about 5 years and still it seems like you're still having trouble with the CState issue. Can I get a little help regarding this problem?
I've made a test page to test this out. It has nothing on the page but the Cute Editor. No JS, nothing. If you visit the URL, the first time you go, it may be fine. And if you SHIFT-REFRESH, it typically is fine too. But if you simply refresh the page (F5 or click on the refresh button), you'll eventually see the error (if your IE has error reporting turned on). It'll state missing ";" and "_CState is undefined".
The paths in my code are apparently correct since the editor works some of the time. The Cute Editor folder is one level above the asp page that is displaying it. Here is my code:
content = gBody
Dim editor
Set editor = New CuteEditor
editor.ID = "Body"
editor.Text = content
editor.FilesPath = "../CuteEditor_Files"
editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/uploads/"
editor.MaxImageSize = 1000
editor.AutoConfigure = "Simple"
editor.Width = 700
editor.Height = 400
One of forum guests mentioned that it could be an XML issue. I downloaded his script, ran it and this is the output:
can NOT be used. Reason:
006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~800401f3)
can NOT be used. Reason:
006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~800401f3)
can be used.
can be used.
can be used.
Microsoft.XMLDOM can be used.
Any help would be appreciated.