help required in several things..

  •  02-19-2008, 12:16 PM

    help required in several things..

    below are my qustions, please read them carefully and hope you will come with solution of all of my problems;
    1) when i click on Add Image Map icon, a dialog of Add Image Map appears.. there i can hotspot the images and link them, but the problem is that, i can only manually write the urls to link with hotspot.. is this possible to add Links drop down on Add Image map dialog, so that instead of just manually writing the url to link with hotspot, i can just select the link from links drop down and it will be then link with image hotspot on Add Image map dialog..?? is this possible, how can i do this...??
    2) there is a Disk Icon on the editor to save the page, is there a way to customize this disk icon?? i mean on disk (save)  icon onclick event, i need to call a javascript, is this possible?? how can i do this??
    3) on the Links drop down, the default title is Links, how can i change this tile to something else?? i want to replace it with Link-To-Page. i tried to change it on .config file on configurations folder.. but when i changed it, then it only display your default links, and if i revert it back and change it back to title Links, then it displays the links on the drop down i filled in.. So, i need there my custom links i added on this links drop down, but title should not be Links, title should be something else.. is this possible? how can i do this??
    4)  on the Links drop down, when i fill it with many links, then when clicking on links dropdown, there is a vertical slider within the drop down.. i dont want this vertical slider.. i want that drop down should open full, shouldn't be vertical slider there..
    5) i am stills waiting for your proper response for this very important issue;

    waiting for your answers...
    Nadir ali Shah
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